16 thoughts on “Catching Babies by Sheena Byrom

  1. Pingback: Catching Babies by Sheena Byrom | Any Excuse to Write… | ChildBirth 101

    • I loved the title too, Manju. I should have explained about the title. Sheena explains how she feels that the words delivery, and other child birth associated terms which are used to describe what midwives do feel inadequate to her. Catching babies felt perfect because it doesnot detract from the hard work that mums do πŸ™‚ Hope you like it too


  2. Super catchy title na…I am always at awe with mid wives…I think they do a great job, dont get as much recognition as a gynac and yet carry out all the time bringing new lives into the world!


    • I had no idea about mid-wives until I got pregnant in London. I always thought it was doctors who handled pregnancies. They do a lot, and as you say, don’t get the recognition they deserve.


  3. The world of midwifery is something I have never read about, and would love to know about. This book sounds super interesting, though it is not something I would have picked up on my own at a bookstore. Thanks for making me delve deeper into the world of books, Smitha. πŸ™‚


  4. I have heard that midwives/doulas are a big support in the UK! Not here in Belgium! I think in India too there are many women acting as midwives (with experience, though not too sure if they undergo some formal training for the same). And yes, definitely not recognised for their support either! Will look out for this book!!


  5. Hi Smitha, Been reading your blog since quite some time. I love your parenting style and thats what I follow the most in your blog. Hopped in to comment on this particular post for a very specific reason. I wanted to let you know that mid-wifery exists in India and I have experienced the most wonderful mid-wifery model of care at Healthy Mother Natural Birthing Center in Hyderabad.(http://healthy-mother.com/) So many mothers have experienced the natural birthing experience with mother not being treated as a patient. They have 80+ percent natural births at their center.


    • Thank you πŸ™‚ I worry while reviewing books – especially the ones I really loved – I would hate to do injustice to them πŸ™‚ I really, really loved your book, and have been recommending it to a lot of friends πŸ™‚


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